Essential Relating Intensive
December 13th, 14th, 15th at Wildfern Grove in Buckley, WA.
This retreat is a unique offering within the Wildfern Grove events. The weekend is a very deep (initial) dive into how you hold the story about your own erotic power and authority. Should you choose to join us, the journey ahead is a way back to your innate guidance, back to a native sense of your own true relationship to being fully alive; the seat of your capacity to experience your own freedom and full expression of power.
In order to register for this weekend, attendance of at least one introduction class or individual session with Tanya is required. It is important to get a sense of my style and see if it is a fit for you. Register for Introduction Classes
Read on for more details about this retreat, about Tanya and find out whether this is the retreat for you…

Tanya works as an Intimacy Communication Guide for people in intimate relationships and those who want to be.
With the tools of Essential Relating, a set of deep relating skills developed over 10 years, Tanya helps people who crave deeper intimacy and stronger connection in their relationships. The tools of Essential Relating stimulate often uncomfortable, but vital conversations to address areas that are being hindered by fear and separation. When we are able to have these conversations with honor, the same difficulties creating the fear and separation will encourage you to lean in to a perfect opportunity for deeper intimacy and connection rather than making things worse.
A 3-day Weekend Intensive. A beginning.
This Essential Relating Intensive is a full three-day weekend retreat. This is not a light, contemplative, relaxing weekend. It is a rigorous engagement of your time, energy and focus. It is demanding.
Yet, by engaging in it you will get to experience an entirely new way of relating to who you truly are, as your most authentic self, allowing you to be more available to relate meaningfully to those who are important to you.
This weekend is a beginning, not a completion. It is the beginning of deep and true accountability and responsibility for living fully in the gift of spirit and soul that you were uniquely designed to bring and breathe into the world. It is the beginning of… freely communicating honestly and accurately, without diminishing anyone. It is the beginning of…feeling at home in your own skin and helping others to, also. This program is the foundation that allows the rest of the Essential Relating curriculum to be accessible.
This weekend is for you if:
1. You are ready for a significant state change in the way you interact in all of your relationships and you are ready to confront the hard work of recognizing:
- your own self awareness
- your personal accountability
- your relational responsibility
- your ability to participate in and demonstrate community integrity
2. You are ready for an entirely new view of yourself and your value and a newfound effectiveness in making a difference in your relating environments, e.g.:
- your connection to life
- caring for yourself
- tending to your family and intimate relationships
- and offering your personal contributions in your workplace and/or community
3. You are craving true, deep connection with your chosen people and know that you are ready to step up to the next level of your leadership skills.
4. You are ready to confront ways that you are bound to old patterns that limit authentic connection in your intimate relating.
5. You are willing to identify and become accountable for the ways that your unidentified trigger reactions cause patterns of separation and difficulty in your relationships.
6. You are eager for the rewards of confronting your shadow side and are ready to reconcile your shadow with your deep desire and capacity to create intimacy and authentic connection.
- Course cost is $750.00
- Includes one shared dinner Saturday and soups/salad for optional lunch Friday and Saturday
- Lodging at Wildfern Grove is not included and must be handled and paid for separately by contacting: