Relating is a skill of self control, compassion, and knowing how to move with intention.
Relating is a discipline.

A relationship is not a thing.
Relationships are dynamic environments.
Relating is an ever alive, always changing, set of skills, a dancing with demands in every moment.
My work is to show you what your unique dance looks like and how to let your experience be one you author.
We can each learn and grow together into stable and reliable, yet ever evolving, relationship environments. Start with yourself, then with others.
“I’m finally realizing that I can’t make it all work, no matter how hard I try.
And that knowledge is so painful.”
This is where you see that, ultimately, what you bring (or fail to bring) to your relationships will dictate their outcome.
All your pain.
All your joy.
All your trauma.
All of it is you.
It isn’t just baggage to be lugged around like a burden. It’s a set of potential skills to be honed. To honor. To understand. To Revel in.
Ready to take the next step and move forward in your relationship skills?
Let’s make at least some part of this easy. Choose one of the sessions below and schedule your $49.00 introductory hour and practice with Tanya to begin.

Exercise: Am I Reacting or Relating?
A 60 minute session with Tanya
Does this sound familiar?
In a tough moment, you realize you’re overreacting, or someone points it out. However, being told you’re overreacting doesn’t calm you down. You’re aware that expressing what you truly feel in that moment isn’t helpful. The challenge is breaking out of this reactive cycle. Your goal is to refocus on the core issue and rebuild an open, honest connection, but how?
For more details on this exercise: Click here
Exercise: Be an Authentic Yes or No
A 60 minute session with Tanya
Does this sound familiar?
You want to ask for something and you aren’t sure exactly how to do that without feeling demanding or too blunt, so you hint instead. The frustration of hoping the other person will somehow pick up on your hints (or worse yet your expectation that they should) becomes a barrier to your intimacy and connection. You find yourself being disappointed and judgmental, becoming more and more resentful toward the person you actually want to create engagement with. You feel like you should know better, but that only makes things worse. Now what?
For more details on this exercise: Click here
Exercise: Be Uninsultable
A 60 minute session with Tanya
Does this sound familiar?
You want to have exciting, engaging conversations and interactions, but your partner gets insulted easily, or you do, and you can’t seem to find your way out of feeling insulted or defensive. Instead of having fun together, you are mad, sad, lonely and resentful. It happens over and over again and you are losing connection, interest and intimacy with each other. Is there actually a safe way to move ahead?
For more details on this exercise: Click here
Exercise: Free Yourself from Judgment
A 60 minute session with Tanya
Does this sound familiar?
You notice that you are becoming very reactive and defensive about a matter with someone. You want to find a good solution and a way forward, but you notice you have a really hard time getting to your own sense of calm about the matter and you do not want to make things worse by adding fuel to the fire. This matter is too important to ignore and it is taking up emotional energy you would much rather be using toward getting things done and enjoying your time together. How can you honor your values AND be cooperative?
For more details on this exercise: Click here
Exercise: Free Yourself From the 4 Reactions
A 60 minute session with Tanya
See if this sounds familiar…
You’re in an important, but tough conversation, feeling increasingly frustrated, losing your calm and connection. Now, you can’t communicate clearly. You’re stuck in a reactive back and forth interaction that doesn’t make sense, feels awful, and you just want to get back to the initial point of the conversation. You want to regain your composure so you can end the conversation with a sense of cooperation and mutual respect. Isn’t there a good way through?
For more details on this exercise: Click here
Exercise: Be Consciously Committed
A 60 minute session with Tanya
See if this sounds familiar…
You’re in the middle of a tense interaction and you’re trying to figure out why things got so heated. You sense it might just be a misunderstanding, but you’re struggling to pinpoint exactly when the conversation took a negative turn. You want to find the piece where things got confusing and get it clarified so you can get back to the matter at hand. How can we get back to what matters most?
For more details on this exercise: Click here
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